Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Word Count today

Time to celebrate! Yay! It's been a fantastically productive day and I have an incredible word count to post here.

Total Word Count Today....

(drum roll please)



*collapses into an exhausted heap*


Monday, May 19, 2008

Procrastination: The Enemy

Okay, so I've been a bit lacking in the creative department lately, but I am making it a priority to schedule time every day to write. This afternoon I am taking my laptop to the park and I am going to write until it either starts to rain or the battery starts to die. I did do a good chunk of writing the other day but forgot to post my current word count, so here it is:

Total word count as of this moment: 91.659 words.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Word Count Today

Today's lack luster word count: 89,250 words.

But at least I'm writing! LOL